Thank you for this; I never worked for Google but I recognise the behaviour from my time at Sun Microsystems’ eight year death spiral. From the vice-presidential jousting to the destructive nature of a stack ranked performance management system. I think we know from the nature of the median statistic that some of those VPs will be exceptionally well paid. The ‘the blunt force approach to headcount reduction’ seems to be classic California/wall street behaviour, it’s irrational and no-one can see the link between firing staff and increasing profits and with their package being offered it’s unlikely that profit will increase in 2023. It’s driven by satisfying vulture investors and bank analysts. While you start by talking of fiduciary duty, you rightly identify the imperial politics of the 2nd table from the top as the root cause of faiure. Outside the US, I have seen Vice Presidents and Senior Directors play musical chairs and once the music stops, then the firings begin, and of course, they had a much better severance package than those they were firing.